the asshole brain

our brains are wondrous & mighty but sometimes things go awry ….

Friday Linky Love Day: Little’a this and little’a that.

Colleague and friend, author Vanessa Gebbie – the US edition of her novel, The Coward’s Tale, comes out early next week with Bloomsbury. I read Gebbie’s collection of stories, “Words from a Glass Bubble,” and oh, I was so happy to have read that book, so looking forward to her novel. She also has a really cool website that rather fascinates me.

Some of you may have already read this post from a while back, but if not, I’m a guest on Bellebooks/Bell Bridge books blog – Is the Novelist Work Not Valued, or Under Valued?

Stacy S. Jensen “Writing My Way Through Life” has a Thankful Thursday (love!), and for her TT this week, she talks about the wonderful Writer Unboxed, for which they will soon have a newsletter. Go by and check out Stacy’s blog, and while there, read all about Writer Unboxed and their up-coming newsletter news. Excited!

A friend of mine has a new blog, so want to send her some linky love — Stories of Strong Southern Women–“Nothing is ever truly forgotten. The past lives forever in our memories. Marina Aimer.”

I adore MORE magazine, and am a subscriber. Received my new issue yesterday and am gobbling it up. I love how it is geared towards women over 40, although the magazine attracts other ages, as well. They are also online, and have a 20 Get-Healthy Beauty Picks. Since I do my “I’m your guinea pig” series on Wednesay Free-for-all, I may try out one or two of these products and let you know how it goes–especially the Miss Oops for rosacea. I would be in a state of YAYY! if More would have my books in their “books” section. Especially for “women over 50” who have achieved a life-long dream. A girl can dream for more (haha! hey -!) can’t she? :-D lawd.

On the Rose & Thorn Blog, we added a feature in the comments section where you may now add a link to your blog or website when you leave a comment. We’re hoping you will stop by and subscribe, read, comment. Our poets, writers, and artists will appreciate you. Up now is notice on our two new artists for our new Art Gallery.

I read a lot of my publishing news on Huffington Post. It’s an easy way to see things at a glance. They also have many things to read — health, beauty, entertainment, etc etc etc — as if I need one more place to distract me – haw! But, well, dang.

And speaking of distraction, I dipped my teeny toe in Pinterest. I’m not sure if I’ll be so active with it, but I do see the appeal! What I want to be careful with is copyright issues. I’m uber careful about copyright, but I will be fiddle-dee-deeing around with it, as long as I am sure whatever images I place on my “boards” are not someone else’s “property.” When I signed up, Pinterest automatically followed a bunch of people, so maybe I am already following you there! :-D

An Update – Author Sharla Lovelace (The Reason is You will be out this spring, right about the time my Family Graces will be – I read this book because I “cover-blurbed” it – it’s wonderful!) anyway, I’m (Sweetie is) on her “Shameless Saturday” where writers can leave a comment and “shamelessly” talk about their works.



I was fascinated by the images that showed up on just my name and my name + Tender Graces in google images. Including this photo (lawd! laughing!). (No, I wasn’t googling myself -teeheee- I was looking for my Amazon Author Page to make sure these posts were showing up . . . they are . . . and saw the links. Huhn. :-D) Yup, that’s Tender Graces covering the, uh, the, um, well I . . .  anyway . . . *ahem* Anyyyywaaaaay, I have a vague memory of someone sending me this image and our having a good laugh, but I don’t remember who it was . . . haw! lawdy.

This video made me laugh. I don’t do book signings anymore (or very very rarely), so this really hit home “You mean it didn’t go well; I signed you for three more” and the look on his face – haw! :-D

Soon I should be receiving the new bookcover for the 2nd book, Secret Graces, and the for the final in the trilogy, Family Graces, and when I do, I’ll share them *smiling.* Beginning March 1, my “vacay break between novels” ends and I’ll be putting my head down to work on my 5th novel (not counting the novella, but maybe I should!). Terrifying and exciting and wonderful.

What’s your news? What’s happening with you? Any news you want to share?

19 responses to “Friday Linky Love Day: Little’a this and little’a that.”

  1. Great linky love today! I want to get Vanessa’s book since I know we like to read the same kinda things. Have a great weekend! <3

    1. I loved her collection of stories – poignant, heartbreaking – it’s been a while since I’ve read but there is one image that so stuck with me – a boat, a girl, a shore – leaving behind.

    2. i know I replied to your comment, bestie – wonder where it went? huhn.

  2. So many intriguing links! I’m a bit disappointed that I’ll have to wait to click, click, click and have a look because I’m soon off for an Anniversary weekend away with hubby (30 yrs, woo hoo!). Most annoying, is learning that the new issue of MORE is out and yet mine hasn’t arrived in the mailbox in time to stuff into my suitcase :-(

    Love the video–it’s nice to be able to find humor in what can be so humiliating. (Kind’ve like the puppy in the pet shop window, except no one ever stops to tap on the window and say how cute we are with our hopeful pile of shiny new books.)

    1. Sometimes my mags are late too – I hate it when I see them in the stores and I haven’t received mine yet! Subscribers should at least receive theirs at the same time, or even before *humph* :-D


  3. Thank goodness that handsome fellow seems to have dozed off, his hand slipping down to… um… where it did. *ahem* Clearly he doesn’t know good literature if TG could not keep him riveted to the page. :-) Careful dipping that toe in, or you might get slammed by the Pinterest wave, and sucked into its time-wasting undertow. Vanessa does have a really cool website. And thanks for linking to Stacy, who is such a great WU tribe member (as are you), and linked to the upcoming newsletter. Another great linky-love Friday, Kathryn!

    1. Hi Vaughn! _ you are more handsome than that fellow any time! :-D

  4. Wow, that picture freaked me out a little (the one you found when you were looking up your website. Yikes.

    Love the linky love! Thanks for sharing. ;)

    1. Yeah, me, too *laughing* — I don’t find him particularly attractive but instead a bit creepyish, which made it more funny when – now I remember – my editor sent it to me as a joke :-D

  5. Love Stacy S. Jensen – she’s a good pal-o-mine. I am just accepting FB Timeline – now there’s Pinterest! Ee Gads. The R&T artists – I love that featured. Have clicked around the artists’ pages – good add.

    1. I tell you – always something! lawd! But I just do what I find enjoyable and discard the rest. And when my vacay/break is over, I’ll be spending less time on Social Networking playing ’round :-D

  6. I’ve been writing this morning, so I’m late in saying thanks for the link love and the video. I could hug him it’s so funny.

    1. I know – his face – want to give him a hug, too and then buy his book and have him sign it — I’ve done this before, gone into a bookstore and saw there was a signing, and buying a book for them to sign if there aren’t many people there :-D

  7. Thank you so much for including my novel in your links – and there’s such a lot to browse here. Wow — I need another few hours in my day!

    1. Hello, Vanessa! Good luck with your new book – exciting!

  8. That video is so funny! Does it amaze you at all that you’re getting ready to start book 5? What a journey you’re traveling, my friend. I think I may get to see you soon, right?

    1. I’m coming there in July – I wish it were sooner :-( Was coming in April, but plans had to change.

      Can’t wait to see you!

  9. Kat, You are such a beautiful doll! Thanks for sending the Linky Love about my new blog, Stories of Strong Southern Women! Please remember I am new to all this, and am finding my way through the social media maze! So much to do… I almost missed your note, but mostly because I was quite blinded by the fellow reading Tender Graces (um, covering his “parts” with it…) I never know what I’ll see around you! I don’t think he’s really sleeping. Perhaps he has eyes elsewhere to read with… Oops, do you need to bleep that out???

    Please remember I am always older than you, and I never feel it! Thanks again! xo Marina

    1. Hi You! So glad you stopped by to say hello – good luck with your new blog and HAVE FUN with it! :-D

      As for the dude – he’s just this side of Ewwww, ain’t he? *laugh*